Saturday, October 17, 2009

Game 4: UMD vs. Minnesota State

5-2 win Friday night, and an impressive performance by the home team. Hopefully, more of the same is to come tonight.

Here are the lines:

Fulton - Connolly (Jack) - Fontaine
Danberg - Bordson - Connolly (Mike)
Hendrickson - Akins - Flaherty
Schmidt - DeLisle - Seidel

Olsen - Montgomery
Kishel - Lamb
Olson - Huttel

Hjelle - Reiter - Crandall

Irwin - Galiardi - Mouillierat
Hayes - Harrison - Stewart
Sackrison - Pitlick - Louwerse
Thompson - Youds - Jokinen

Elbrecht - Davis
Boe - Schiller
Canzanello - Mosey

Murdock - Lee

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