Friday, October 31, 2014

Game 7: Miami at UMD

Greetings, and Happy Halloween. If you're staying away from the rink so the kids can collect gobs of candy that they probably won't eat anyway (at least, if they're like my 12-year-old, who would still have candy from about six Halloweens ago if we didn't make him throw it away), please join us on 94X (94.1 FM in the Twin Ports, 104.3 FM surrounding area) and the Bulldog Sports Radio Network.

(Listen live at or stream via mobile on the Red Rock Radio app, which works on most phones and tablets.)

My take on Adam Krause's absence can be found here, and a look at this weekend set is here.



Farley - Toninato - Iafallo
Decowski - Cameranesi - Kuhlman
Osterberg - Thomas - Crandall
Sampair - Spurrell - Young (Austyn)

Soucy - Welinski
Johnson - Raskob
McCormack - Kotyk

Kaskisuo - McNeely - Fons

Lemirande - Doherty - Schmit
Murphy - Coleman - Greenberg
Louis - Kuraly - Gacek
Wideman - Czarnik - Barber

Belpedio - Caito
Joyaux - Paulides
Dornbrock - Richart

Williams - McKay

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