Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Bruce Irvin 'Going to Pray' for Corey Linsley

In case you're wondering, Packers fans, they do have the internet in Seattle.

And the Super Bowl champion Seahawks use the internet. They read things, and they can comprehend what they read.

How do I know? Because they're fully aware the Packers plan to start a rookie center Thursday night in the NFL season opener at CenturyLink Field.
"I'm going to pray for him," (linebacker Bruce) Irvin said Tuesday of Linsley, a fifth-round draft pick out of Ohio State. "It's going to be a long night, man. We've got to just take advantage of it."

... "All the weaknesses that (Linsley) shows us, we've got to expose it," Irvin said. "Hopefully, 'Bane (nose tackle Brandon Mebane) going to do what I know he's going to do to him. So, we've just got to be ready."
Prayers? How nice of Irvin.

Listen: I'm sure some will look at this as bulletin-board material. But it's only bulletin-board material if the Packers win. For that to happen, it'll take more than Linsley having a great game.

For now, it's the champ saying what the champ wants to say. Winning has its privileges. Seattle won it all last year, and now its players have free reign to do the Diamond Dallas Page self high-five bit.

Of course, in the NFL, success can be quite fleeting, even for teams that appear to be built for long-term winning. I just don't see Seattle being one of those teams that goes away.

(And if they do, it won't be quietly. The Seahawks don't do anything quietly.)

I have no issue with Irvin's comments, even if they were a bit eyeroll-inducing. The Packers -- and only the Packers -- can shut him and his teammates up. Just don't bet on that happening. 

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